An Empyrean Platinum Account is one of the most flexible hourly rate cards available. It provides you with the aircraft, at the time you need it, with the service you expect.



-_Retained savings

Fixed Rate Within Service Area

Get a fixed hourly price on six categories of aircraft within your service area.

-_Guaranteed Availability

Guaranteed Aircraft Availability

Within the agreed notice period, you are guaranteed availability on your chosen category of aircraft.

-_No Aircraft Category interchange fees

No Aircraft Category Interchange Fees

Your balance can be used to purchase of hours on any aircraft category without additional interchange fees.

-_No Monthly or Membership fees

No Monthly Fees

No management or maintenance costs that are associated with some hourly rate products.

-_Standard Cancellation terms copy

Standard Cancellation Terms

No costs incurred if you cancel anytime up to 48 hours before your flight.

-_No Positioning Costs

No Positioning Costs

Empyrean Platinum Account holders only pay for the occupied time on their chosen category of aircraft.

-_Fly Globally

Fly Globally

If you would like to fly outside of your service area, your account can be used to purchase bespoke charter solutions anywhere in the world.

-_Payment options

Payment Options

Members pre-pay for the total amount of hours purchased.

-_Minimum Commitments

Minimum Commitments

25 hours.

-_Earn Rewards

Earn Rewards

Commit more to gain extra benefits such as lower hourly rates.

Want to find out more? One of our Empyrean account managers will email you directly.

    The Empyrean Card is the world’s most flexible jet card, with three different types of account.
